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The Day Before developers promise a beta test and are "working" on Steam return

The enigmatic shooter was delisted after trademark troubles

The Day Before is a zombie-ridden survival MMO developed by Fntastic
Image credit: Mytona

Zombie survival sim The Day Before is apparently receiving a playable beta test and "should be" returning to Steam, according to developer Fntastic. The enigmatic game was previously pulled from Steam since Fntastic hadn’t actually trademarked The Day Before when they first announced it, leading to a trademark dispute and removal from Valve's storefront.

“For those wondering if the game [is] gonna be on Steam,” wrote one of the Discord admins, “it should be on Steam, yes. Team is working on it.” It’s unclear how they plan on resolving the issue, but the team had previously stated they’re “preparing for the trial” in regard to their trademark troubles.

“We have been working hard to ensure the game meets our high standards, and we are confident that it will be worth the wait,” the Discord message reads. “As we get closer to the release date, we will be conducting a beta test for the game. This will give players the opportunity to try out the game before it is released and provide valuable feedback.” No dates were given for the beta test, but their statement says they’ll provide more details closer to the November launch.

Fntastic does have a cagey history when it comes to making promises, though. Their promised gameplay debut was much-delayed, prompting accusations on Reddit and Discord that the entire game was a scam and that it didn’t even exist. Fntastic finally debuted in-game footage earlier this year to prove that yes, The Day Before was real, but a ten-minute stroll through an empty city made it seem merely OK.

At one point the most wishlisted game on Steam, The Day Before has been through a sticky twelve months after controversies around unpaid volunteers, multiple delays, and those accusations of deception. The team seems like they’re now trying to turn things around with good news.

The Day Before is planning to launch on November 10th with a beta test coming sometime before then. We’ll see if it can get back onto Steam in the next six months.

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The Day Before

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Kaan Serin


Kaan is currently an English and Film student who spends more time thinking about food than his degree. Also, trying to cut down on sharing unprompted video game trivia.
