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Death Stranding is currently free to keep from the Epic Games Store

Take a road trip

From now until May 25th, you can nab Death Stranding for free from the Epic Games Store and keep it forever. If you always meant to go for a hike across Hideo Kojima's strange, sci-fi package delivery sim, now's your chance.

You can head to its Epic Games Store page to add it to your account now. As long as you do it before 4pm BST on May 25th, it's yours forever. On that date, it'll be replaced by a different freebie - and one game will be offered for free for a week each Thursday for the duration of the now underway Epic Mega Sale. Freebies are regular on the Epic Games Store anyway, but they're often of a better calibre during sale events.

Death Stranding is certainly of a high calibre. It's a beautiful open world game in which you play Sam Bridges, who must deliver packages across a post-apocalyptic United States. It's almost literally a "walking sim", in that you must consider your footing on uneven terrain, the balance of the packages on your back, and use social construction tools to gradually colonise and construct roads, bridges and other shortcuts on the routes you'll take across terrain.

It also, naturally, has a batshit supernatural science fiction story, with incomprehensible too-long cutscenes and entirely comprehensible horniness for Mads Mikkelsen. It's ambitious, audacious, personal, and unique in a way big budget games so rarely are. It was one of our favourite games of 2020.

Note that this freebie is the original game and not the better, stranger Director's Cut, but don't let that stop you. The original is still great.

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Graham Smith

Deputy Editorial Director

Rock Paper Shotgun's former editor-in-chief and current corporate dad. Also, he continues to write evening news posts for some reason.
