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Best tactical equipment in Modern Warfare 3

Here’s the best tactical equipment on offer in Modern Warfare 3

An establishing shot of the Modern Warfare 3 map Sub Base.
Image credit: Activision

What is the best tactical equipment in Modern Warfare 3? Selecting the best tactical equipment in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 can make all the difference in your gunfights.

When choosing your tactical equipment, it's important to remember that there are Vests that will alter the amount you can carry. The Engineer Vest will give you two tactical slots, while the CCT Comms Vest will take your tactical slot away. So, you may be spoilt for choice or you may have no choice at all depending on your overall loadout. Let's assume you've got a spot or two on offer and delve into what the best equipment choices are.

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11. Decoy Grenade

Description: Counter-intel grenade that simulates gunfire, movement, and radar signatures to confuse the enemy.

The power of misdirection shines through with the Decoy Grenade as it creates its own gunfire noise that aims to distract the enemy. Unfortunately, the sound emitted isn't quite as well-matched to the real deal and can only offer confusion for a very short-lived time, securing the Decoy Grenade its position at the bottom of our rankings.

10. Scatter Mine

Description: Throw a field of mines across a wide area that detonates when enemies come within range.

The Scatter Mine is great for specific game modes when you need to set up a deadly perimeter. You'll be able to, unsurprisingly, scatter these explosive devices across a large zone that'll automatically detonate when enemies get too close. They're not something you'll use in the most popular Multiplayer matches due to their fast pace and constant movement, and even if you do, they don't deal much damage at all. They are, however, situationally useful for setting an alarm at a chokepoint to warn you of enemy proximity.

9. Shock Stick

Description: Electrical device that sticks to surfaces. Electrocutes enemies, destroys equipment, and causes vehicles to go haywire.

Back from MW2, the Shock Stick is an excellent piece of kit if you're eager to destroy other equipment out there. It creates an area of effect, stunning enemies in it, disabling vehicle controls, and obliterating any equipment in its zone.

8. Snapshot Grenade

Description: Provides a momentary glimpse of enemies within the blast radius for your team or squad.

If you aim your Snapshot Grenade at an area you know is rife with enemies, then you're going to get a quick insight into where they are located. It has a delayed start though, so for anyone who spots it, there's time to clear the area and get away before it detects you. And, perhaps more damningly, it's very often countered by players running Ghost T/V Camo for their choice of Gear.

7. Tear Gas

Description: Explodes on impact with the ground, releasing a lingering cloud of tear gas that causes slowed movement, blurred vision, and coughing.

Tear Gas is great at flushing out any enemies that are holed up in an area or hiding behind cover. It won't kill them, but it'll make them cough for a few seconds and they'll have to move. No more happy campers.

6. EMD Grenade

Description: Applies a tracking device to enemies hit, revealing them on your team's minimap.

A stronger piece of tactical equipment than the Snapshot Grenade, the EMD Grenade will track your enemies if you tag them right and reveal their location on yours and your allies' radar. This is a great piece of kit if you're struggling to set off a UAV.

5. Stim

Description: Military stimulant that promotes clotting to close wounds quickly and refreshes Tactical Sprint.

A Stim is a fast way to get your health regenerated and get moving away from trouble to regroup and refresh. Your Tac Sprint will refresh boosting mobility for a speedy gameplay advantage. It's a good piece of equipment to have, but unfortunately it's just completely outshined by Battle Rage.

4. Smoke Grenade

Description: Deploys a smoke screen that blocks vision and automated targeting systems.

Depending on your playstyle, Smoke Grenades can be the ultimate piece of tactical equipment if you like to slip out of trouble or rotate the map unseen. They're great when you're in a bind for creating a dense smoke cloud for you to travel through and confuse enemies. This piece of kit is best used in smaller maps, but can be great defensively across the board.

3. Battle Rage

Description: Experimental stimulant that gives you an adrenaline rush. Health regenerates quickly, Tactical Equipment is resisted, and Tactical Sprint is constantly refreshed.

Returning from MW2, the Battle Rage takes a new form as a piece of tactical equipment instead of a Field Upgrade. When used, you'll regenerate your health much, much quicker, you'll be able to sprint further with refreshing Tac Sprint, and you'll gain a resistance to your opponent's tacticals. With so many perks, it earns third spot in our rankings. The only downside is that it takes some practice to make use of it at the right moments in battle.

2. Stun Grenade

Description: Slows victim's movement and aiming.

For our top two, we can't deny the classic Stun Grenade will always be a dominating piece of kit in all game modes and across all maps. It can instantly slow down your enemies, making them confused, reducing their movement, and messing with their ability to fire back for a short period of time. When used right, it can really change a game up to give you the upper-hand.

1. Flash Grenade

Description: Blinds and deafens targets.

Top of our rankings is the Flash Grenade for their sheer effectiveness across Modern Warfare 3. The maths is simple, throw a Flash Grenade, block your enemy's vision, attack while they're compromised. There's not much you can do when you're hit with a Flash apart from wait and hope you're ready to regroup once your vision returns.

Zombies mode only equipment

Experimental Gas Grenade

Description: Grenade that releases a lingering cloud of gas that causes slowed movement, blurred vision, coughing, and light damage.

As a Zombies mode exclusive piece of tactical equipment, the Experimental Gas Grenade is not available in multiplayer and so has been put in a category all on its own. We don't want to leave it out entirely though as it's still a great piece of kit to use to immobilise the enemy for a short time.

That's everything on the best tactical equipment in Modern Warfare 3. As is always the case with your tactical slot choice, it's personal preference. Tweak it to suit you and play around with the kit as there's plenty on offer in MW3. There's the best field equipment and best lethal equipment to choose too, so be sure to check those out to craft your ultimate build.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)

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Grace Dean avatar

Grace Dean


Grace has been freelancing for RPS since September 2023, starting out on all things Starfield and Modern Warfare 3. She’s a huge fan of FPS games, as well as adventure and sims to mix up the pace. Studying journalism at university and then running a gaming YouTube channel before making short-form content for television, she left the world of TV to pursue her love of writing and find a beautiful balance between her busy work and family life. If she’s not playing Fortnite or COD, you’ll find her snuggled up somewhere warm playing The Sims 4 or Stardew Valley.
