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Brothers Creator Now Riding The Rails At Hazelight

Teaser trailer hints at train hopping

Single-player co-op tearjerker Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was an unexpectedly touching game from Starbreeze, the Swedish lot best known for fine games about shooting men in the face. Might it be the first of many sappy games from Starbreeze? Well, probably not.

Brothers creator Josef Fares has formed a new studio, Hazelight, with several members of the Brothers team. Their first game is a bit of a mystery for now, but a teaser trailer shows two chaps riding in a rail car and if this is a train hopping game simply about watching scenery going by I will scream with delight until I spit blood with delight. It probably won't be, but I can dream.

Josef Fares, who was a filmmaker before getting into games with Brothers, has corralled the game's art director, technical animator, one of its gameplay programmers, and its lead level designer to join him, along with others, at Hazelight Studios. Electronic Arts are publishing Hazelight's mysterious first game.

"I would love to show something from the new game, but we are so early in production," Fares said in the announcement trailer. "However, we have put together a very short teaser to give you some kind of idea of what we're working on." Skip to 1:20 in the video for that:

A game about riding the rails, watching the world go by, would please me so very much. Rocky mountains, wild forests, bright nights... aah! I will enjoy this dream until it becomes clear Hazelight are working on something quite different.

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Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

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Alice O'Connor avatar

Alice O'Connor

Associate Editor

Alice has been playing video games since SkiFree and writing about them since 2009, with nine years at RPS. She enjoys immersive sims, roguelikelikes, chunky revolvers, weird little spooky indies, mods, walking simulators, and finding joy in details. Alice lives, swims, and cycles in Scotland.
